Submit a video

If you want to present your own work, product, question, or anything else, please read the text below and follow these steps. 

1. Make a video. Watch our ‘how to’ video for tricks. If you need help after seeing the video, you can mail for help..

2. Send us a mail at that you want to submit a video and include the following information:

  • A link to where we can download it, for example on SURFdrive or WeTransfer
  • The title of your video
  • Your name
  • Your function/job title
  • Your institute/company
  • Location and country
  • A short summary (‘abstract’) with say 100-200 words of the video or the subject
  • A few keywords (3 to 5)
  • Which category we should assign the video to (expert interviews / innovation examples / meeting videos / other)
  • If applicable: links to relevant information (such as institute/company website, other videos about your research or product, articles at publisher or PubMed, datasets, upcoming events, …)

3. We will try to process the video and additional information as soon as possible, but please note that this might take a few days.